perm filename OBSCUR[ADM,DBL] blob sn#156628 filedate 1975-04-28 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00002 00002	Below are the somewhat obscure references. Before each is either
C00010 00003	@McCarthy, J., [ADVICE-TAKER] "Programs With Common Sense",
C00018 ENDMK
Below are the somewhat obscure references. Before each is either
D, T, L, or <blank>. 
These mean: Doug,  Terry, CS Lib itself, or <unknown> can get a copy to the CS Lib.
Afterwards is an optional number, indicating multiple copies available.

T: Abelson, Robert, and Roger Schank,
Scripts, Plans, and Knowledge, to appear in %e4IJCAI.%*

@Anderson, J. R., and Bower, G. H., %eHuman Associative Memory%*, V.
H. Winston and Sons, Washington, D.C., 1973. Especially Chapters 4, 5, & 7.

Anderson,(ed), %eMinds and Machines%*, Contemporary Perspectives in
Philosophy Series, Prentice-Hall, Inc, N.J., 1964.

L: Arbib, Michael A., %eThe Metaphorical Brain: An Introduction to
Cybernetics as Artificial Intelligence and Brain Theory%*,

L: Banerji, R.B., and Mesarovic, M.D., editors, %eTheoretical
Approaches to Non-numerical Problem Solving%*, Springer-Verlag, New
York, New York, 1970. (TEXT, ).

T: (sections)Bobrow, Dan, and Collins, Allan, editors, %eRepresentation and
Understanding%*, Academic Press, Inc., New York, New York, 1975

D.,L: @Bobrow and Raphael, (1973) New Programming Languages for AI Research,
XEROX Report CSL-73-2, August 20, 1973. Also found in Computing Surveys, Sept, 1974.

D, AI Lab: @Buchanan, J. and David C. Luckham, "On Automating the Construction of Programs"
AIM-236, CS-433, AD784513/4WC, 65 pages, May 1974. Highly technical; just skim.

Chandrasekharan and Reeker (1974) AI: A Case for Agnosticism, in %eIEEE
Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics%*; January, 1974, pp.88-94. 

Chang, Chin-Liang, and Lee, Richard Char-Tung, %eSymbolic Logic and
Mechanical Theorem Proving%*, Academic Press, Inc., New York, New
York, 1973, 346 pages, $19.00.   More detail than is required.

T: Chase, W.G., editor, %eVisual Information Processing%*, Academic
Press, Inc., New York, New York, 1973. 

D, L: Dijkstra, Dahl, and Hoare, %eStructured Programming%*

T: Dreyfus, Hubert.  Alchemy and Artificial Intelligence. copies will be available.

Duda, R., and Hart, P., %ePattern Classification and Scene
Analysis%*, John Wiley and Sons, New York, New York, 1973. 
Much more detail than is required; emphasis is not AI.

Findler, N.V., and Meltzer, B., editors, %eArtificial Intelligence
and Heuristic Programming%*, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh,
Scotland, 1971, ? + ? pages, $15.00. 

AI LAB: Finkel, R., Russel Taylor, Robert Bolles, Richard Paul, Jerome Feldman,
"AL, A Programming System for Automation", AIM-243, CS-456, 130 pages, November 1974.

D AI Lab: Gips, J. Shape grammars and their uses,  AI memo 231,  last third is on
aesthetics.  Will soon be published by Birkhauser Verlag, Basle, Switzerland.

D, CCG: @Green, C. C. (1969) [TP] The Application of Theorem Proving to QA Systems,
Stanford Technical Report CS 138, SAIL Memo AI-96. 

AI LAB: Green, C.C., and Barstow, D., A Hypothetical Dialogue Exhibiting a Knowledge
Base for a Program-Understanding System, AI Memo 258, January, 1975.

@Green, Waldinger, Barstow, Elschlager, Lenat, McCune, Shaw, and Steinberg,
Progress Report on Program-Understanding Systems, Memo AIM-240,
CS Report STAN-CS-74-444,Artificial Intelligence Laboratory,
Stanford University, August, 1974.  Nontechnical report, just look it over.

Hart, Peter E.,  Progress of a Computer Based Consultant, AI Group Technical
Note 99, SRI Project 3805, January, 1975. This is a general, preliminary
report of a proposed system which integrates ideas from several AI domains.

T: Hewitt, Carl and Brian Smith, Towards a Programming Apprentice, in 
 (copies available).

T: Hunt, Earl B., %eArtificial Intelligence%*, Academic Press, Inc.,
New York, New York, 1975, ? + 478 pages, $29.00. 

L: Jackson, Philip C., Jr., %eIntroduction to Artificial
Intelligence%*, Petrocelli Books, New York, New York, 1974, xviii +
453 pages, $17.50.  Elementary; if you feel lost in some subfield, consult this.

D:Lenat, Doug, BEINGS... current paper to be made available.

D: @Victor Lesser, Richard Fennell, Lee Erman and D. Raj Reddy, Organization
of the Hearsay II Speech Understanding System, %eIEEE Symposium on Speech
Recognition%*, Computer Science Dept., Carnegie Mellon Univ., 1974.
(SUM, I:modular system organiztion) also in IEEE Transactions Feb. 75.

T: Lighthill, Sir J., and Sutherland, Needham, Longuet-Higgins, and
Michie (1973) AI: A Paper Symposium; by the British Science Research
Council, April, 1973. A pro/con AI debate.  
Try to see the McCarthy, Michie vs. Lighthill debate on videotape.

T: Lindsay, Peter H., and Norman, Donald A., %eHuman Information
Processing: An Introduction to Psychology%*, Academic Press, Inc.,
New York, New York, 1972, xxviii + 737 pages, $?.??.  

D: Low, James R.,  Automatic Coding: Choice of Data Structures,
SAIL AI Memo AIM-242, August, 1974. Long but some new ideas inside.

D: @Martin and Fateman (1971) The MACSYMA System, in (S. Petrick, ed.)
%e2nd Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Manipulation%*. NY: ACM SIGSAM.
pp 59-75. 

@McCarthy, J., [ADVICE-TAKER] "Programs With Common Sense",
Stanford AI Memo AIM-7,,AD785044, 7 pages, September 1963.

McCarthy, J., "Situations, Actions, and Causal Laws", Stanford AI Memo 2,July 1963.
(ESS/DR: I:You can formalize these notions)

@McCarthy, John, Review of Lighthill debate, AI Journal, will be made
available in CS library.

%eMechanization of Thought Processes%*, Her Majesty's Stationery
Office, 1958.   Contains early McCarthy papers.

224 NOTES, T D: @Minsky, M. and Papert, S.(1972) [PROGRESS] Artificial Intelligence Progress
Report.  MIT Project MAC, AI Memo 252. 

T D: @Moore, Jim and Allen Newell, How can MERLIN understand?,
in Gregg (ed.) %eKnowledge and Cognition,%* Lawrence
Erlbaum Associates, 1973.

Newborn, M., %eComputer Chess%*, Academic Press, Inc., New York,
New York, 1975, 200 pages, $15.00.   If you're interested.

D: @Newell, A. (1969) [ILL] Heuristic Programming: Ill-Structured Problems, in
(ed. Aronofsky, A.) %eProgress in Operations Research III%*, John Wiley and Sons. 

D: Newell, A. (1965) Limitations of The Current Stock of Ideas about
Problem:Solving.  %eProceedings of a Conference on Electronic
Information Handling%*, pp. 195-208. (eds Kent and Taulbee) New York: Spartan. 

T D: @Newell (1973) Production Systems: Models of Control Structures, May
1973 CMU Report, also published in (W.G. Chase, ed.) %eVisual
Information Processing%*, NY: Academic Press. Chapter 10, pp. 463-526. 

Newell, A. (1970) Remarks on The Relationship Between AI and
Cognitive Psychology, in (Banerji and Mesarovic, eds.) %eTheoretical
Approaches to Non-Numerical Problem Solving%*, pp 363-400.  New York:
Springer-Verlag Pub. 

T :Newell, A., Barnett, Jeffrey, Forgie, James W., Green, Cordell,
Klatt, Dennis, Licklider, J.C.R., Munson, John, Reddy, D. Raj, and
Woods, William A., [SPEECH]  %eSpeech Understanding Systems: Final Report of a
Study Group%*, American Elsevier Publishing Company, New York, New

Norman, Donald, Rumelhart, D., and the LNR Research Group, 
%eExplorations in Cognition,%* Freeman, 1975.

T: Papert, Seymour, DREYFUS: reply. Unpublished AI memo: will be made available.

L: Raphael, Bertram, %eThe Challenge of Smarter Computers%*, to be
published.  Draft available.

AI: Rieger, Chuck,
Conceptual Memory:  A Theory and Computer Program for Processing the
Meaning Content of Natural Language Utterances,
Stanford CS dissertation, 1974 (printed by Fondazione Dalle Molle).
Also available as Stanford AIM-233, CS-419.

T: Rustin, R., editor, %eNatural Language Processing%*, Algorithmics
Press, New York, New York, 1973.

@Shortliffe, Davis, Axline, Buchanan, Green, and Cohen,
Computer-based Consultations in Clinical Therapeutics:
Explanation and Rule Acquisition Capabilities of the MYCIN
System, preprint for article in Volume 8 of the %eJournal for
Computers in Biomedical Research%*, June, 1975.

D/CCG: @Simon, H (1973) Lessons from Perception for Chess-Playing Programs
(and vice versa), CMU Computer Science Research Review 1972-1973, pp.35-40. 

T: Simon, Herbert A., and Siklossy, Laurent, editors, %eRepresentation
and Meaning: Experiments with Information Processing Systems%*,
Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1972, xx + 440 pages,

T: Sussman, Gerald, %eA Computer Model of Skill Acquisition%*,
American Elsevier Publishing Company, New York, New York, 1975,.

Uhr, Leonard, %ePattern Recognition, Learning, and Thought:
Computer-programmed Models of Higher Mental Processes%*,
Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1973, ? + 506 pages,

Waldinger and Manna, recent short SRI technical report will be
made available (SUM, I:Reasoning about programs)

D,T: Wickelgren, Wayne A.,  %eHow to Solve Problems: Elements of a
Theory of Problems and Problem-solving%*.  San Francisco:
W.H. Freeman and Company, 1974.   Integrates Newell and Polya's ideas.

D,T: @Winograd, Terry, "Five Lectures on Artificial Intelligence",
Stanford AIM-246, CS459, ADA000085/1WC, 93 pages, September 1974.

T: @Winograd, Terry, Frame representations and the declarative/procedural
controversy, to appear in Bobrow & Collins (1975). Copies will be

Winston, Patrick H., editor, %eThe Psychology of Computer Vision%*,
McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, New York, New York, 1975, 

D,T,??@[MIT74] Winston et al. (1974) New Progress in Artificial Intelligence, MIT AI
Lab Report AI-TR-310, June, 1974.